How to plot a filled rectangle without edge?

38 次查看(过去 30 天)
'EdgeColor', 'None' makes the outline width to be zero?


Toshia M
Toshia M 2024-10-4
Starting in R2024b, you can specify a name-value argument (EdgeColor="none") to remove the edge lines.
If you're running an earlier version of MATLAB, you can return the surface object as an output argument and set the EdgeColor property after you call pcolor.
s = pcolor(rand(10,10));
s.EdgeColor = "none";

更多回答(2 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015-9-28
Set the edge color to the same color value as the "FaceColor'

DGM 2024-10-5
Disregarding recent changes to options handling, this seems like it was always an adequately answerable question. It was just unclear what "filled rectangle" meant. I don't remember when dot notation started to be accepted here, but the same should have been practical using get()/set() in versions which might have been expected 10 years ago.
% use a rectangle object?
hr = rectangle('position',[1 1 15 10],'curvature',0.5);
hr.FaceColor = 'r';
hr.EdgeColor = 'none';
xlim([0 17])
ylim([0 12])
% use a patch object?
x = [1 1 16 16];
y = [1 11 11 1];
hp = patch(x,y,'r');
hp.EdgeColor = 'none';
xlim([0 17])
ylim([0 12])


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