solve a system of equations.

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Could any one please help me write the code to solve this system of equations?
Unknown: Fcl hr To Tcl h.
Others are known.
I'm a beginner, I follow the format but error always shoot out. Want quick respond thank you.
  1 个评论
jin wang
jin wang 2015-10-12
编辑:jin wang 2015-10-12
What I wrote is like these.
syms Fcl hr To Tcl h
eqn1 = Fcl==1/(1+0.155*Iclo*h);
eqn2 = hr==4*5.67*0.00000001*0.72*facl*((0.5*(Tcl+To)+273)^3);
eqn3 = To==(hr*Tr+hc*Ta)/h;
eqn4 = Tcl==To+Fcl(Tsk(i)-To);
eqn5 = h==hc+hr;
[Fcl,hr,To,Tcl,h] = solve([eqn1,eqn2,eqn3,eqn4,eqn4,eqn5],[Fcl,hr,To,Tcl,hl])



Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015-10-12
Is Fcl a function or a value? If it is a value then you need explicit multiplication with respect to (Tsk(i)-To)
Note that by default "i" refers to sqrt(-1) so your Tsk(i) may be trying to index Tsk(sqrt(-1)) unless you have assigned something else to i
The statements you show by themselves are not enough: you need to define numeric values for the other variables or you need to declare them as syms . If you take the syms route then I recommend changing Tsk(i) to just plain Tsk since the indexing does not matter to the solution of the equations.
The solution involves the roots of a polynomial of degree 7 whose leading term is equivalent to
158193*Iclo*facl*(31*Iclo*Ta*hc-31*Iclo*Tr*hc-200*Tr+200*Tsk(i))^3 * x^7
Because it is a 7 degree polynomial, the answer you get is going to be in terms of RootOf() and there is unlikely to be a closed form solution in the standard operations. You are going to need to solve for numeric roots by using vpasolve() or using double()
  15 个评论
jin wang
jin wang 2015-10-12
Exactly, so I should use this 7 sloution matrix to substitute into the following calculation? I keep receiving dimension not match error.
jin wang
jin wang 2015-10-12
Let's say I want to use RC and E which is 7x1 sym in the following code like this. How can I achieve this outcome?


更多回答(2 个)

John BG
John BG 2015-10-12
Could you please define ranges for each unknown? Be conservative, please define the following: Fcl_min= Fcl_max= hr_min= hr_max= To_min= To_max= Tcl_min= Tcl_max= h_min= h_max=
  1 个评论
jin wang
jin wang 2015-10-12
you mean give them specific value or just write what you have writen in the code. I don't know why to do this.


John BG
John BG 2016-1-31
Mr Robertson considers as variables parameters that Mr Wang does not want to include as variables. I asked Mr Wang to define ranges because if the symbolic analysis does not help, then having a look at the equations may be useful, let me explain:
Since Mr Wang does not say anything else about the parameters, let me list them
eq1: Iclo assumed constant
eq2: facl and Tc assumed constant
eq3: Tr, Ta and hc assumed constant
eq4: Tsk(i) assumed constant
eq5: as in eq3, hc assumed constant
So, we have 5 variables to solve: Fcl hr To Tcl h
that I rename to: x y z w v
The simplified version of the 5 initial equations is:
eq1: x=1/(1+v)
eq2: y=((1+z)*.5+2)^3
eq3: z=(y+1)/v
eq4: w=z+x*(1-z)
eq5: v=1+y
I have define 5 ranges, that some of them may or may not help solve the system, but at least it's a start point:
y_min=-10;y_max=10; y_step=.1; y_range=[y_min:y_step:y_max]
z_min=-10;z_max=10; z_step=.1; z_range=[z_min:z_step:z_max]
w_min=-10;w_max=10; w_step=.1; w_range=[w_min:w_step:w_max]
v_min=-10;v_max=10; v_step=.1; v_range=[v_min:v_step:v_max]
figure(1);plot(v,x);grid on;hold all
figure(2);plot(z,y);grid on;w=z+x*(1-z)
simplifying some equations is possible:
eq3 and eq5 yield z=(y+1)/(1+y) nearly constant
eq4 with z nearly constant means w shape is w=1+x
I said 'nearly constant' because the simplified equations do not include the the parameters
Including parameters: Iclo facl Tc Tr Ta Tsk(i) hc
renamed: k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 k6 k7
eq1: x=1/(1+k1*v)
eq2: y=k2*((k3+z)*.5+2)^3
eq3: z=(k4*y+k5*k7)/v
eq4: w=z+x*(k6-z)
eq5: v=k7+y
give values to parameters, and find out if the 5 equations have a solution, or if perhaps the only way to solve this equations system is for values of parameters and variables within certain range windows.
Let me know if you progress with anything above explained


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