How can I simulate a load with DC comsumption in SimPowerSystem?

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello my friends, I´m doing a circuit or model with a cell array and a battery in order to simulate the consumption of a home, but I have not get to do it because SPS use only loads RLC and and it works with a RMS voltage and I want to connect it to a DC supply directly, what would you do in order to solve this issue.
If we try to connect the software does not allow it, because seems be an incompatibility beetwen both softwares SPS and SCS.
I´ve tried to use a R Load from SCS and I have not get solve it yet, I am thinking than it is not good to combine SPS with SIMELECTRONICS because appear more issues, what can I do for modelize a load consumption in DC?


Sebastian Castro
Sebastian Castro 2015-10-19
First off, SimPowerSystems Specialized Technology has the blocks (I think) you need:
  1. DC Voltage Source
  2. Series RLC Load or Series RLC Branch -- just set the L and C values (or reactive power Q, depending on which block) to 0 and you have yourself a resistor.
Also, if there are other Simscape/SimElectronics blocks that you absolutely must have, there are interface blocks between Simscape and SimPowerSystems Specialized Technology. I wouldn't recommend using these unless you really have to, as they go through Simulink signals first and therefore affect the "physicality" or numerical stability of the model... but they exist.
- Sebastian
  2 个评论
Tony Castillo
Tony Castillo 2015-10-19
Hello Sebastian, thank for trying to help me: I´m using a DC Voltage Source, that is not the problem, seems be than SPS had been made only for AC loads. 1-The Series RLC Load or Series RLC Branch - required a nominal voltage (rms) and a nomimal frequency into another parametters, for those details it does not compatable with my DC model. 2-When I´ve tried to use the load than has Simscape/SimElectronics blocks for connect it with the other part of my model, I dont have another way to interconnect it, but is using a interface blocks between Simscape and SimPowerSystems Specialized Technology, and all became worst. and the model deliver me the following message:
Simulation 1 Clear 04:10 PM Elapsed: 3 sec An error occurred while running the simulation and the simulation was terminated Caused by: At time 0.000000, an assertion is triggered. Supply-side current exceeded the Maximum expected supply-side current. The assertion comes from: Block path: BateriaPV/DC-DC Converter Assert location: (location information is protected) Component: Simulink | Category: Block error
I hope you can help me to solve it, and to clear my doubts.
Guanwei Zeng
Guanwei Zeng 2021-3-11
编辑:Guanwei Zeng 2021-3-11
Have you solved the error: At time 0.000000, an assertion is triggered. Supply-side current exceeded the Maximum expected supply-side current. I came across the same error while modeling. Thank you.


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