Linear Interpolate to n equally spaced points

9 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have two sets of coordinate data. The rates of the two are different. I would like to linearly interpolate one tot he same length as the other. I have tried various methods of interp1 but can't seem to get what I need. An quick example would be
in_vector =[0 5 10 5 0].
Need 15 samples of this data.
out_vector = interp(in_vector, 15)
and produces and output of
[0, 1.42857, 2.85714, 4.28571, 5.71429, 7.14286, 8.57143, 10.0000,
8.57143, 7.14286, 5.71429, 4.28571, 2.85714, 1.42857, 0].
Basically what interpft but linear and not FFT.


dpb 2015-10-20
编辑:dpb 2015-10-20
doc interp1
>> v=[0 5 10 5 0]; L=length(v);
>> interp1(1:L,v,linspace(1,L,15))
ans =
Columns 1 through 10
0 1.4286 2.8571 4.2857 5.7143 7.1429 8.5714 10.0000 8.5714 7.1429
Columns 11 through 15
5.7143 4.2857 2.8571 1.4286 0

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