Combine legends of two plots (Two plots are in a for loop)

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Hello everyone, I have a small problem here. I am suppose to combine two legends from two plots which are in a 'for' loop. Whenever I try to combine two legends, only one gets printed or I get a error! In other words, I just to add the legend with the name 'TOTAL' to the legend of the first plot! I am enclosing my code and variables with this query if you like to give it a try. Thank you in advance!
for y1=1:1:ordn
while feof(fid) == 0
tline = fgetl(fid);
if n1 == line(y1) + 4
c = strsplit(tline,',');
ord(y1).dat = fscanf(fid, ' %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f', [6, diffr(y1)]);
ord(y1).freq = transpose(ord(y1).dat(1,:));
ord(y1).rpm = ord(y1).freq/ord1(y1)*60;
RPM{y1} = ord(y1).rpm;
ord(y1).total_lw = transpose(ord(y1).dat(2,:));
ord(y1).lw = transpose(ord(y1).dat(3,:));
ord(y1).lw2 = transpose(ord(y1).dat(4,:));
ord(y1).lw3 = transpose(ord(y1).dat(5,:));
ord(y1).lw4 = transpose(ord(y1).dat(6,:));
x = ord(y1).freq; r = ord(y1).rpm; f = ord(y1).freq;
z1 = ord(y1).lw; z2 = ord(y1).lw2; z3 = ord(y1).lw3;
z5 = ord(y1).total_lw; z4 = ord(y1).lw4;
hold on
title(sprintf('%s for the Total Time Orders',Method),'FontSize',16,'Fontweight','bold');
grid on;
ylabel('Schallleistung dB','FontSize',12,'Fontweight','bold');
legendInfo{y1} = ['Total Time order ' num2str(ord1(y1))];
li = legend(legendInfo,'location','southeast');
for s=1:1:length(tempLw)
div{s} = tempLw{1,s}./10;
raise10{s} = 10.^div{s};
LwSum = LwSum + raise10{1,s};
LwlogSum = 10*log10(LwSum);
p1 = plot(a1,LwlogSum,'k','Linewidth',1.5);
ki = legend('TOTAL','location','northeast');
hold off;


Thorsten 2015-11-4
You cannot "add" an entry to an existing legend, as far as I know. But you can create handles for you plots and concatenate the handles to create a handle for the legend that contains all plots:
R = rand(4);
h = plot(R)
legend(h, '1', '2', '3', '4')
hold on
h2 = plot(mean(R), 'k', 'LineWidth', 2)
legend([h; h2], '1', '2', '3', '4', 'Total')
  3 个评论
Thorsten 2015-11-4
R = rand(4);
legendtext = {'1', '2', '3', '4'};
for i = 1:size(R,1)
h(i) = plot(R(i,:));
legend(h, legendtext(1:i))
if ~ishold, hold on, end
fulllegendtext = legendtext;
fulllegendtext{end+1} = 'Total';
h2 = plot(mean(R), 'k', 'LineWidth', 2);
legend([h h2], fulllegendtext)


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