Can I emulate a single phase dynamic load starting with a three phase dynamic load

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Can I emulate a single phase dynamic load using a three phase dynamic load?
Hello friends, Can I emulate a single phase dynamic load using a three phase dynamic load?, putting the phases 2 and 3 to ground of this way i will just be using the phase "A", is this valid?.


Sebastian Castro
Sebastian Castro 2015-11-6
编辑:Sebastian Castro 2015-11-6
Hi Tony,
This is the third place I have seen you ask the same question. Please check the status of your original question, as I gave you a comment on implementing a single-phase load in there:
Asking the same question multiple times makes things confusing for other users, myself included. Thanks!
EDIT: To answer this specific question -- yes, you can also just ground the other 2 phases and use one of them for single-phase applications.
- Sebastian
  1 个评论
Tony Castillo
Tony Castillo 2015-11-9
Sebastian that happen to me because I am new in this and reflects my multiples doubts at the software but thanks for your answer and your patience. Thank you very much.


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