How can I avoid plotting zeros in data?

15 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, Once again, hoping someone may be able to help. I'm plotting data at intervals and would like to join up the peaks so it makes a nice smooth graph(please see attached diagram). At present, there are zeros between each data point, and Matlab plots these making a nasty triangulated spike for each data point. Is there anyway of just plotting the data points? Hoping someone may be able to help, Andy


Thorsten 2015-11-17
Sample data:
y = zeros(1,100); y(1:10:100) = 1 + rand(1,10);
hold on
Select only non-zero values for plotting:
x = 1:numel(y);
plot(x(y~=0), y(y~=0), 'r')

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