How do I ask the legend to add labels for multiple graphs

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to generate a plot with potentially 100 series on it. Is there a way that I can suitably attach the legend (with title 1: title n) without typing the name of each series in the legend command? The titles would be increasing sequentially (legend('Title1''Title2''Titlen'))

回答(2 个)

ag 2024-9-25
Hi John,
To achieve this you can automate the process of adding legends to your plot without manually typing each label by using a counter variable.
The below code snippet demonstrates how to achieve this:
% Sample data
x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100);
% Create a figure
% Initialize an empty cell array to store legend labels
legendLabels = cell(1, 10);
% Loop to plot 100 series
for i = 1:10
% Generate some example data
y = sin(x + i/10);
% Plot the data
plot(x, y);
hold on; % Hold the plot to overlay multiple series
% Create a legend label and store it in the array
legendLabels{i} = sprintf('Title%d', i);
% Add the legend using the generated labels
% Add title and labels
title('Plot with 10 Series');
ylabel('Function values');
% Release the hold
hold off;
For more details, please refer to the following MathWorks documentation:
Hope this helps!

Voss 2024-9-25


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