fibonacci series in matlab

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Wale Omole
Wale Omole 2015-11-22
编辑: the cyclist 2015-11-23
function f = fibnum(n)
% fibnum Fibonacci number
% fibnum(n) generates the nth Fibonacci number
if n <= 1 f = 1;
else f = fibnum(n-1) + fibnum(n-2);
Geting error when I type in command window
>> fibnum(12)
Undefined function or variable 'fibnum'.

回答(1 个)

the cyclist
the cyclist 2015-11-23
编辑:the cyclist 2015-11-23
I'm guessing that the function is not on the search path (where MATLAB will look for functions to execute).
What is the result of
which fibnum
You can use the addpath command to add the directory where that function is to your path.


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