How to convert a c++ file to a matlab coding?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
As a part of my research work I need to convert a c++ code into MATLAB. Please help me .
  1 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015-11-25
That might be a lot of work, or it might only be a little work . We would need to see the code to get a good idea.
There is no tool that can automatically convert C++ code into MATLAB.
Are you certain that you need to rewrite the C++ code as MATLAB? It is possible to call C++ code from MATLAB.


回答(1 个)

Aiswarya 2022-7-6
If you want to actually convert C++ code to MATLAB code, then maybe it requires manual conversion.
However, if you just want to call the C++ code from MATLAB, you can create and use a mex file via Matlab Coder . You can use ceval to call the C++ code from matlab. You can refer coder.cinclude and coder.ceval for calling the C++ code.


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