Problem opening excel csv file using xlsread

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I am trying to use the xlsread function to open a part of a CVS excel file that is too large to open in excel (1.07 GB).
B = xlsread('programtest.csv','Sheet 1','A10:F28');
However, I get the following error:
??? Error: The server threw an exception.
Error in ==> xlsread at 250 ExcelWorkbook = Excel.workbooks.Open(file,0,true);
Error in ==> programtest at 5 B = xlsread('programtest.csv','Sheet 1','A10:F28');
Is there a way to solve this issue? Thanks
  1 个评论
ravi 2016-4-11
I was encountering the same problem since long. I tried saving the excel file in 97-2003 format. And then xlsread worked well :-)



Mohammad Abouali
Mohammad Abouali 2015-11-26
for CSV file you should use readtable() or csvread().

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015-11-26
You are using MS Windows. On MS Windows, Excel is invoked by xlsread() to read the file, so if Excel cannot read the file then xlsread() cannot read the file either.
Mohammad mentioned csvread(); another possibility is fopen/textscan/fclose (which csvread will use internally); or fopen/fscanf()/fclose depending on the complexity of the file.

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