Need help plotting the non-linear Poisson equation

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I've got these two files:
% Numerical approximation to Poisson’s equation over the sq
%uare [a,b]x[a,b] with
% Dirichlet boundary conditions. Uses a uniform mesh with (n
%+2)x(n+2) total
% points (i.e, n x n interior grid points).
% Input:
% pfunc : the RHS of poisson equation (i.e. the Laplacian of u)
% bfunc : the boundary function representing the Dirichlet B
% a,b : the interval defining the square
% n : n+2 is the number of points in either direction of the mesh
% Ouput:
% u : the numerical solution of Poisson equation at the mesh po
% x,y : the uniform mesh.
function[u,x,y] = fd2poisson(pfunc,bfunc,a,b,n)
h = (b-a)/(n+1);
% Mesh spacing
[x,y] = meshgrid(a:h:b);
% Uniform mesh, including boundary points.
% Compute u on the boundary from the Dirichlet boundary condi
ub = zeros(n,n);
idx = 2:n+1;
idy = 2:n+1;
% West and East boundaries need special attention
ub(:,1) = feval(bfunc,x(idx,1),y(idy,1));
% West Boundary
ub(:,n) = feval(bfunc,x(idx,n+2),y(idy,n+2));
% East Boundary
% Now the North and South boundaries
ub(1,1:n) = ub(1,1:n) + feval(bfunc,x(1,idx),y(1,idy));
ub(n,1:n) = ub(n,1:n) + feval(bfunc,x(n+2,idx),y(n+2,idy));
% Convert ub to a vector using column reordering
ub = (1/h^2)*reshape(ub,n*n,1);
% Evaluate the RHS of Poisson’s equation at the interior poin
f = feval(pfunc,x(idx,idy),y(idx,idy));
% Convert f to a vector using column reordering
f = reshape(f,n*n,1);
% Create the D2x and D2y matrices
z = [-2;1;zeros(n-2,1)];
D2x = 1/h^2*kron(toeplitz(z,z),eye(n));
D2y = 1/h^2*kron(eye(n),toeplitz(z,z));
% Solve the system
u = (D2x + D2y)\(f-ub);
% Convert u from a column vector to a matrix to make it easier to
%work with
% for plotting.
u = reshape(u,n,n);
%Append on to u the boundary values from the Dirichlet condit
u = [feval(bfunc,x(1,1:n+2),y(1,1:n+2));...
feval(bfunc,x(2:n+1,1),y(2:n+1,1)) u...
clear all
%Function testFdPoisson
%eps0 = 8.854e-12;
%lambdaDsquared =
%C = 1/(4*pi*eps0)
%e_chg = 1.6e-19;
f = inline('(1./sqrt(x.^2+y.^2)).*exp(-sqrt(2).*sqrt(x.^2+y.^2))');
g = inline('(1./sqrt(x.^2+y.^2)).*exp(-sqrt(2).*sqrt(x.^2+y.^2))');
[u,x,y] = fd2poisson(f,g,0,1,39);
h = x(1,2) - x(1,1);
% Plot solution
figure, set(gcf,'DefaultAxesFontSize',8,'PaperPosition', [0 0 3.5 3.5]),
mesh(x,y,u), colormap([0 0 0]), xlabel('x'), ylabel('y'), zlabel('u(x,y)'),
title(strcat('Numerical Solution to Poisson Equation, h=',num2str(h)));
az = 60;
el = 20;
view(az, el);
% Plot error
figure, set(gcf,'DefaultAxesFontSize',8,'PaperPosition', [0 0 3.5 3.5]),
mesh(x,y,u-g(x,y)), colormap([0 0 0]), xlabel('x'), ylabel('y'),zlabel('Error'),
title(strcat('Error, h=',num2str(h)));
az = 10;
el = 20;
view(az, el);
But I can't figure out how to graph a poisson equation that loos something like del^2 phi = exp(-phi), i.e. the nonlinear case. When I throw the U into the second program, it isn't happy.
Can someone help me figure out how to modify the program to do this case?

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