How to create an off-center, rotated, cosine-ramped edged ellipse?

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi all,
I'm trying to make an off-center, rotated, cosine-ramped edged ellipse. Managed to make it off-center and cosine-ramped the edges, but I'm having difficulties trying to rotate it. Here's my code so far:
imSize =128;
[X,Y]= meshgrid((-imSize/2+1:imSize/2),(-imSize/2+1:imSize/2));
radii = sqrt((X-centerX).^2 + ((Y-centerY)*aspectRatio).^2);
%%%set inner edge to zero
radii = radii - radii(floor(end/2)+centerX+floor(apWidth/2)
- nCosSteps,floor(end/2)+centerY+floor(apHeight/2)-nCosSteps);
%%%Do linear transform to set outer edge to pi
outerVal = radii(end/2+centerX+floor(apWidth/2)-1,
radii = radii * pi/outerVal ;
% set more central values 0 (ie, cos(0) = 1)
radii( find(radii<=0) ) = 0;
% set values more beyond steps to pi (ie, cos(pi) = 0)
radii( find(radii>=pi) ) = pi;
% Take cos of all the transformed radial values.
raisedCosMask = .5 + .5 * cos(radii);
if mod(imSize,2) == 1% odd number
raisedCosMask = raisedCosMask(1:end-1,1:end-1);
And this gives:
How should I proceed to rotate this ellipse (i.e., angles like 45 degrees, 20 degrees)? Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

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