signal intensity value in MRI dicom file
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Can Anybody help me to extract matlab code to extract signal intensity value in MRI dicom file with the corresponding pixel coordination? here i have attached dicom file Brain
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harjeet singh
hello Ranga use this to exract signal intensity
X = uint8(dicomread('IM-0001-0001'));
pixel_co=[256 200];
6 个评论
Walter Roberson
If you get 0 every time then your data might have been negative and you should probably not have converted to uint8... as I cautioned could be a problem. Remove the uint8() part and try again and see what the values are.
Image Analyst
If you remove uint8() and find that it is negative, you will probably have to use [] in imshow():
imshow(X, []);
更多回答(3 个)
Image Analyst
Try calling impixelinfo() to interactively view the value as you mouse around over the image.
grayImage = dicomread(fullFileName);
hp = impixelinfo();
Or you can call imtool().
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Ranga Tudugala
7 个评论
Image Analyst
Well Star could answer better than me, but I'm reading "A pseudo CT...[snip]...was generated by deforming atlas CT images...[snip]. The required deformation for atlas CT images was derived from a nonlinear registration of conjugated atlas MR images"
So it sounds like they're aligning/warping CT images with the formula for warping based on MRI images, or what I called multi-modality registration. Maybe that's what you meant. I was thinking that you wanted to take MRI images and convert them to have it look just as if you'd taken a CT of the patient instead of an MRI. I think you can align CT or MRI volumes in a variety of ways, but I don't think you can get one from the other. Otherwise hospitals would not have two separate multi-million dollar instruments when they could get by with one.
Star, what do you think?
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