cell strings to matrix

43 次查看(过去 30 天)
So i had to take a break from this code. I am completely new to cells and strings in matlab. I am trying to get this text file to be broken down to something that i could manipulate. Right now i have been able to isolate the data that i want to use. My problem is two fold:
1. The data file that i use is based on experimental data. Sometimes, the subject doesn't respond to the stimulus and the experimental recorder counts puts that in as MISSED RESPONSE or RESPONDED TO NOTHING or something of that nature. I have isolated the data and the MISSED RESPONSE or RESPONDED TO NOTHING get stored in separate cells in the cell array. Is there any way where i could make them one or have matlab look at any NAN value and discard that whole data row.
2. Can i convert it to, say, a matrix. This code is going to be a part of a bigger data analysis code and most of the data analysis part in it is through matrix. I am guessing that if i keep the data from this code in matrices, it might prevent any inconsistencies that might pop up later on. Although, i might be completely wrong. The code is below, so far, and i am also attaching the text file that i am working on right now.
[filename] = uigetfile('*', 'Select the data file')
import_data = importdata(filename)
[data] = import_data.data
fid = fopen(filename,'r')
scan_init_cell = textscan(fid, '%s %s %s', 'headerlines',20, 'CollectOutput', 1,... 'TreatAsEmpty',{'Responsed','to','Nothing','Missed','Response'})
scan_init = [scan_init_cell{:}]
scan_init = scan_init(1:find(~cellfun('isempty',strfind(scan_init,'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''')),1)-1,:)
scan_init_cell = cellfun(@isnan, scan_init, 'un', 0);


Star Strider
Star Strider 2016-1-28
I remember this from one of your previous questions, but not all the details. To convert the entirely numeric data in ‘scan_init_cell’ to a matrix, use the cell2mat function.
If it is not entirely numeric, you likely have to keep it as a cell.
  4 个评论
Sanwal Yousaf
Sanwal Yousaf 2016-1-28
编辑:Sanwal Yousaf 2016-1-28
you, sir. I LOVE YOU. NO exaggeration. I can't say when i never used this. It works! Praise the maker
Star Strider
Star Strider 2016-1-28
As always, my pleasure!


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