How to read a complex alphanumeric string or cell

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, I've some troubles to generate a code to read a complex (for me) alphanumeric string (or cell).
I've a cell (4000x1) with a text file like this: 'Daily_cum_2013_05_30_09_59__2013_05_31_10_05.asc' I want to separate the two dates (2013-05-30 09:59 and 2013-05-31 10:05) and convert it to a date format.
I tryed with sscanf, strread, textscan comands, but I don't succeed. Like:
test = sscanf(text,'%*s %d'); %to not consider the first part of text
but it doesn't work.
Is it so difficult ?
Thanks in advance


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-2-10
If you have a cell array C of strings to split this way, then
sC = regexp(C, '__', 'split');
will be a cell array the same size as C, in which each element is a 1 x 2 cell array of strings. If you then
sC = vertcat(sC{:});
then the result would be an N x 2 cell array in which the columns are the two sides of the '__'

更多回答(1 个)

Stefano Alberti
Stefano Alberti 2016-2-10
Thank you very much Walter!
Now I have a 4000x2 cell, wiht the precedent string splited.
Now I need to read this two string e convert to data.
What do You think that I may use ?
  3 个评论
Stefano Alberti
Stefano Alberti 2016-2-11
编辑:Stefano Alberti 2016-2-11
Error using datestr (line 177) Cannot convert input into specified date string. DATENUM failed.
this is the answer given by the software.
How to delete 'Daily_cum_' before the split?
Stefano Alberti
Stefano Alberti 2016-2-11
编辑:Stefano Alberti 2016-2-11
Ok, I'm obtained the result with this code:
sC = regexp(F, 'Daily_cum_', 'split');
sC = vertcat(sC{:}); sC(:, 1) = [];
sC = regexp(sC, '\.asc', 'split');
sC = vertcat(sC{:});
sC = regexp(sC, '__', 'split');
now, I've a two columns with the splitted date.



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