sir i have downloaded from internet the package for raspberry pi

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
when i copied that folder from the current sytem to other laptop it shows me this error.... please suggest me the possible soln
C:\MATLAB\SupportPackages\R2015a\downloads does not contain any installable support package files.
To continue with support package installation:
Use "Install from Internet"
Use "Download from Internet" to download the complete set of files, and retry installing from folder.
  1 个评论
vedagiribabu T S
vedagiribabu T S 2017-6-28
编辑:vedagiribabu T S 2017-6-30
Hi, I too faced the similar issue when trying to install the support package from one PC to other. The install from folder option throws the below error To continue with support package installation: Use "Install from Internet" or Use "Download from Internet" to download the complete set of files, and retry installing from folder.


回答(1 个)

dado da
dado da 2019-7-15
I have the same issue with arduino support package. Does anybody have any idea?


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