How to sort an array in descending order and you also have idea about the position to which it descend ?
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I have an array of any length and I want to sort them in descending order. The position and value in that matrix refer to an ID of a node. So my question is that how I can sort this array in descending order and I should have idea of node position in array after sorting out.
Like I have a matrix A and the first value of the array is 5 but its ID is 1 and second value is 4 and its ID is 2 so after descending it goes to some new position 11 and 4 to 12 in the array. then whether i can get in a variable the position of variables after sorting out.
if true
A = [ 5 4 61 7 1 3 35 67 11 44 83 48 110 6]
B = sort (A, 'descend');
B = 110 83 67 61 48 44 35 11 7 6 5 4 3 1
ID_pos of 5 = 11 and ID_pos of 4 = 12 so how to get these index automatically.
Kindly guide me
0 个评论
Star Strider
Use the ismember function:
A = [ 5 4 61 7 1 3 35 67 11 44 83 48 110 6];
B = sort (A, 'descend');
[~,Idx] = ismember([5 4], B)
Idx =
11 12
2 个评论
Star Strider
My pleasure.
I didn’t see your other Question listed on your Profile page just now, so I’ll look for it.
更多回答(1 个)
Roger Stafford
You can use the second argument produced by 'sort':
[B,p] = sort(A,'descend');
q = 1:length(p);
q(p) = q;
The values in 'q' will give the indices with respect to 'B' of the corresponding positions in 'A'.
2 个评论
Roger Stafford
I don't know why either. On my computer I get the result
q =
11 12 4 9 14 13 7 3 8 6 2 5 1 10
which I believe is the solution you wished to obtain.
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