Timestamp creation for netCDF files

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
George 2016-2-26
Hello all
I have a small question concerning timestamps and netCDF, I written the process although I do not get a timestamp written in the final netCDF file that is humanly readable I have followed this process
start_date = datenum('01-Jan-2010 00:00');
end_date = datenum('01-Jan-2010 02:00'); % the final timestamp is one less that the actual length of the Data
interval = 1; % Interval of recording
start_date = datenum([start_date]);
end_date = datenum([end_date]);
tstep = interval/24; % timestep set
date = datestr(start_date:tstep:end_date);
% create netCDF
ncid = netcdf.create('myfile.nc','netcdf4');
dimidT = netcdf.defDim(ncid,'Time',length(T))
varid3 = netcdf.defVar(ncid,'Time','double',dimidT)
I have tried and omitted the final convection of
But then the netCDF cannot write the the file
First how can i produce timestamp that are humanly readable for netCDF content Secondly is there a way to use the original T (length of Data variable) to generate a timestamp based on that length and an initial time?
Any suggestions welcome Thank you

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