Problems using normalized units in uitab

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
right now I'm programing a gui. I want to use uitabs. Normally I'm always using normalized units for everything. But unfortunately these are not working in uitabs. If I'm using them, the 'slider' or 'text' won't be shown. Does anybody know of problems of uitabs uising normalized units?
Thanks, Max
  1 个评论
Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes 2016-3-5
Max - how are you using the uitabs? Which version of MATLAB are you using? Please provide a small sample of code that illustrates the problem.


回答(1 个)

Nicolás Casaballe
Nicolás Casaballe 2016-5-30
I found a similar issue. I managed to workaround it by specifying normalized units when creating the control. E.g.
t = uitab(gcf); % Apparently, normalized units are default here
c = uicontrol(t,'Style','text',...
'String','A wild tab appears!',...
'Position',[0.10 0.50 0.50 0.20]);

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