Index exceeds matrix dimensions.error for the line m(1:floor(​n/2))=mod(​x1(1:floor​(n/2),y1))​;

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
%finger print template generation
for s=1:floor(n/2);

回答(2 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-3-11
You have mod(x1(1:floor(n/2),y1)) which uses two dimensions to x1 and which does not have a second parameter for the mod() call. You probably want mod(x1(1:floor(n/2)),y1)
By the way, I recommend that you assign floor(n/2) to a variable, as you use it often.
You are using
which is assuming that size() returns a scalar. size() always returns a vector with at least two components. Your uni will be a vector, so you should be using length() instead of size()
Your line
is assuming that n/2+1 is an integer, which in turn requires that n/2 is an integer which requires that n is even. There is no reason for you to expect an even number of unique values. Now if you had assigned floor(n/2) to a variable then you could have added one to that variable...

Zakaria Al-Soud
Zakaria Al-Soud 2020-1-6
Please help for the error message below:
Error using hinf (line 144)
ERROR: Must have dim(y1) >= dim(u2)
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020-1-6
In the context of that code, there is a D12 matrix, and the number of rows for that matrix must be greater than or equal to the number of columns of the matrix.
The code supports more than one calling format. In one of the formats, the first parameter is a system that has been constructed with mksys(); the D12 matrix is the 7th parameter to mksys(). In the other major calling sequence, the parameters that would be passed to mksys can instead be passed directly to hinf, and in that case the D12 matrix is the 7th parameter to hinf().
It looks to me as if hinf() would seldom be called by the user, and would instead be called by other routines such as the hinf synthesis routine, so it might be necessary to use the debugger to chase back to find out why that parameter is coming out with fewer rows than columns.



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