okay I trained 290 images which is 30x40 this is for my hand signal recognition.. I resize, make it grayscale and black and white.. since my load image button can recognize well but my snapshot can't recognize some variation I was thinking to get more variation of hand signal then add it to the network I trained..so that every snapshot of my GUI can recognize those variation of position I am right?
wa = imread('C:\Users\Jonas Mamaran\Documents\MATLAB\pray\a\ORIGINAL1.jpg');
x = wa;
y = double(x) / 1000;
data3 = imresize(y,[40 30]);
data4 = rgb2gray(data3);
BW2 = imfill(img2,'holes');
z = BW2;
z = z(:);
%load network, simulate
load trained_som_20x20m_10ke_30x40p_ae;
input = sim(network,z);
save('input_recognize.mat', 'input');
you think this code can add it to my network?