Error :Index exceeds matrix dimensions

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
can someone please help me in finding the error in the code
I have a generated a key of 256 bytes I also read an image with its row and columns and dimensions and then i try to re-adjust my key accordingly so that i can perform bit wise exclusive XOR operation
[n m k] = size(ImgInp);
for ind = 1 : m
Fkey(:,ind) = key((1+(ind-1)*n) : (((ind-1)*n)+n));
Please let me know where i am making a mistake ?


Jan 2012-2-1
(((ind-1)*n)+n) is the same as ind * n. If ind * n is greater than 256, the program fails. Currently we do not know the values of n,m,k.
you can use the debugger to check the values, when the program stops with an error:
dbstop if error
Do you know the buffer command?

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