How can I simulate an antenna with a dielectric but no reflector or ground plane?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Specifically I have a folded dipole on FR4 that I want to examine with varying substrate thicknesses and properties. I've seen the method in some examples of creating a reflector and setting the Exciter property. However, how do I remove the reflecting surface or change the reflector size independent of substrate? Is the Reflector object a class that can be extended and customized to add this functionality?


Vishwanath Iyer
Vishwanath Iyer 2016-4-11
Hi Jeff,
The ability to modify the reflector dimensions independently of the substrate does not exist currently. We are working to add this capability in a future release. The use case you have provided is helpful in this regard.
  3 个评论
Vishwanath Iyer
Vishwanath Iyer 2016-4-12
Thank you. We would love to hear from you. I would recommend the following:
On this website, there are two options. First you can directly enter some basic information and post a message. We can then follow up with you. Second, there is also an option to contact technical support, which would require you to create a service request.
In both cases, please mention that you are following up on a conversation thread from MATLAB Answers.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Warm regards,
Jorge Cossio
Jorge Cossio 2017-2-8
Jeff, Vishwanath,
I was wondering if you found a solution to your problem. Or if there has been a way you found to address this in R2016b. I am in a similar position where I want to model a dipole without a substrate ground plane. Please let me know if there is any solution to the problem, or an alternative method you found. I would immensely appreciate the information.
Best regards,
Jorge Cossio


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