User input and print question

19 次查看(过去 30 天)
triztyme 2016-4-19
回答: triztyme 2016-4-23
I have the following code that I want it to print "Air density = x.xx kg/m^3" and "Blade radius = x.xx cm." Is it possible to add the 'kg/m^3' and 'cm' so it prints after the user entered numbers or should I be using a different input prompt?
density = input('Air density = ');
radius = input('Blade radius = ');

回答(2 个)

Renato Agurto
Renato Agurto 2016-4-19
编辑:Renato Agurto 2016-4-19
Try using fprintf with \b (backspace) to "remove" the newline
density = input('Air density = ');
fprintf('\b kg/m^3\n');
radius = input('Blade radius = ');
fprintf('\b cm\n');
  1 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-4-19
I have not seen any terminal since the ADM3A on which backspace removed a newline.


triztyme 2016-4-23
So here's what I ended up doing:
density = input('Enter air density in kg/m^3: ');
fprintf(outputfile,'Air density = %5.3f kg/m^3',density);
radius = input('Enter blade radius in cm: ');
fprintf(outputfile,'\nBlade radius = %2i cm',radius);
thanks for taking a look


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