Make video from images

130 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello !
I have about 500 pics and i'd like to make a video with. Also, i have a vector with the time each image should appear. (Img10 at tome(10))
Is it possible ?
Thank you so much, Loic.
  1 个评论
Matthew Eicholtz
Matthew Eicholtz 2016-4-27
Yes, this should be possible. Is the frame rate constant?



Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2016-4-27
编辑:Image Analyst 2016-4-27
I was doing almost the same thing today. I'm still in the act of polishing it up, but here is a first draft that works, attached. You specify a folder of images and it builds all the images into an avi movie. You can specify the frame rate, and how many times the first slide shows up (because it might be a title slide).
You could use text() to imprint any text on the frames, such as the time or whatever.
I'm using it to make a time lapse movie of a building they're building here. It will take 3 years to finish the building. I take a picture every day that I'm there. Eventually I also want to figure out how to place each frame at the proper time, but right now it just strings them all together. Feel free to modify it though to do what you want, which will require you writing additional copies of frames in there to make sure the frame you want appears at the proper time.
  12 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022-9-11
@Kyle Uhlenhake I just ran it again and it worked find. Line 425 is this:
returnValue = uigetdir(handles.imageFolder,'Select folder');
The error message means that imageFolder is not a field of handles. That means you must have somehow modified handles, perhaps in the OpeningFcn. Try to download again and run it. Otherwise try this workaround (which is also in the code attached here).
returnValue = uigetdir(handles.imageFolder,'Select folder');
returnValue = uigetdir(pwd,'Select folder');
If you have any more questions, then attach your data and code to read it in with the paperclip icon after you read this:
atharva aalok
atharva aalok 2022-9-15
编辑:atharva aalok 2022-9-15
@Image Analyst I am using your code for making a movie.
I have a folder with 40 png images. I want to use these to make my movie.
When I run the makeMovie.fig
After selecting the folder I get the following error messages in succession:
What could be wrong here?
(I have aleady added the following lines to the .m file at line 425 as suggested in a previous comment:
returnValue = uigetdir(handles.imageFolder,'Select folder');
returnValue = uigetdir(pwd,'Select folder');
Images in my folder are named as follows:


更多回答(5 个)

Matthew Eicholtz
Matthew Eicholtz 2016-4-27
I usually use the VideoWriter class for making movies in MATLAB.
Here is some basic code structure to get you started:
video = VideoWriter('yourvideo.avi'); %create the video object
open(video); %open the file for writing
for ii=1:N %where N is the number of images
I = imread('the ith image.jpg'); %read the next image
writeVideo(video,I); %write the image to file
close(video); %close the file
Now, this assumes constant frame rate (which can be set using the video.FrameRate property). I am not aware of any built-in functionality for handling variable frame rate. But, in theory, you could hack it by repeating image frames.
For example, if your frame rate is 1 frame per second, and the time vector is something like:
t = [0 2 3 7 ...]; %times for the 1st image, 2nd image, and so forth
Then, you will want to call 'writeVideo(video,I)' 2 times for image 1, 1 time for image 2, 4 times for image 3, etc. This will be challenging if your times are not multiples of your frame rate, so watch out for that.
  6 个评论
Nidhish Jain
Nidhish Jain 2021-3-4
@Matthew Eicholtz I followed your code and I got the avi file. But the video is all black. I don't know what is happening. I can see the images in the video but somehow they are all filtered to black. Please let me know if you know anything about this.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021-3-4
Try my code instead. If that still doesn't work, then start a new question and attach 5 of your images.


Pascal Stirtzel
Pascal Stirtzel 2020-1-30
Perfect, thank you very much

Vikas Arora
Vikas Arora 2022-9-11
编辑:Image Analyst 2022-9-11
A small modification to @Matthew Eicholtz's answer:
% If your image file starts with image_1.png, image_2.png and so on ...
% and live in the current folder.
folder = pwd; % Or wherever you want.
video = VideoWriter('yourvideo.avi'); % Create the video object.
open(video); % Open the file for writing
N=601; % Where N is the separate number of PNG image files.
for k = 1 : N
I = imread(fullfile(folder, sprintf('image_%g.png', k))); % Read the next image from disk.
writeVideo(video,I); % Write the image to file.
  3 个评论
S Ch
S Ch 2022-10-27
@atharva aalok Read it using Windows Media.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022-10-28
@atharva aalok try a different file extension, like .mp4 or .mpg or .wmv.


% Example data
imageFolder = 'path_to_your_images'; % Replace with the actual path to your image folder
imageFiles = dir(fullfile(imageFolder, '*.jpg')); % Change the extension based on your image format
numImages = length(imageFiles);
% Vector with time each image should appear (in seconds)
timeVector = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]; % Adjust the timings as needed
% Create a VideoWriter object
outputVideo = VideoWriter('outputVideo.mp4', 'MPEG-4');
outputVideo.FrameRate = 1; % Adjust the frame rate as needed
% Loop through each image and write it to the video
for i = 1:numImages
% Read the current image
currentImage = imread(fullfile(imageFolder, imageFiles(i).name));
% Write the current image to the video
writeVideo(outputVideo, currentImage);
% Pause for the specified time
% Close the video file

MathWorks Computer Vision Toolbox Team
Please consider the MATLAB example 'Convert Between Images Sequences and Video' as an answer to this question.

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