Hi Sara,
I understand that you are getting problem in using "parpool" of MATLAB. To use the "parpool" you must have "Parallel Computing Toolbox" installed. To check that you can use "ver" command in the command window to check for all the installed toolbox. If you are unable to find "Parallel Computing Toolbox" in that list then try to install that first and then use "parpool".
There can also be some problem in your 'local' profile. To validate 'local' profile, you should follow the below steps:
- Go to the Home tab in MATLAB.
- Click on Parallel > Create and Manage Cluster Profiles.
- Select the 'local' profile and click Validate.
This process checks if there are any issues with the configuration. You can also set the profile to default settings and again try to run.
You can refer the below documentation for more information:
You can also refer to the below MATLAB Answer:
Hope it helps!