How to do this coding for this equation?

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-5-1
syms C t
eqn = i == 25/50001*sin(100*t)+2/100*cos(100*t)+C*exp(-2*t);
eqn0 = subs(eqn,t,0);
solve(eqn0, C)
  7 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-5-16
The above code is the solution for that.
Remember, i is the imaginary unit,, the square root of negative 1. You have defined a value for the left side of the equation, sqrt(-1), and you have defined a t value, 0. Your equation comes evaluates down to sqrt(-1) = 1/50 + C . There is a single C that solves that equation, C = -1/50 + sqrt(-1) . That leads to a single point on the plot.
Fairuz Ridwan
Fairuz Ridwan 2016-5-16
Oh, I see that's mean C just the constant. Thanks for your help sir. Really appreciate.


更多回答(1 个)

louis rassinfosse
编辑:louis rassinfosse 2016-5-1
Try to use the symbolic toolbox;
syms t
And you should get an answer


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