Hello, I found the following method, which could help:
you can edit the s-function for the XY-Graph in that you type the following instruction On MATLAB Command Window:
edit sfunxy.m
To provide the data-points with a marker you can do the following:
Go to the line(number about 239):
set(ud.XYLine, 'LineStyle','-');
and replace it with:
set(ud.XYLine, 'LineStyle','-', 'Marker','*');
To clear a part of the plot, go to the line (number about 396 in matlab 2015):
new_line = feval(@()hg2sample.ScopeLineAnimator('maxNumVertices',50000));
Here you can change the numbers of the 'maxNumVertices' to got the desired Display on the XY-Graph. For Exempel you can type 10 instead of 50000 to display just the last ten data-points in the XY-Graph.