I want to move the position of kx manually to the top for the attachment figure, How can I do it?

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my codes are:
pr1=100* record(:,5);
y = reshape(ky,5,length(ky)/5)';
x = reshape(kx,5,length(kx)/5)';
z = reshape(pr1,5,length(pr1)/5)';
surf(x,y,z);colormap(gray(255));grid on
az = 37;
el = 45;
view(az, el);
% axis('auto')
box on
ax = gca;
ax.BoxStyle = 'full';
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-5-11
Do you mean that you want to rotate the plot? Or do you mean that x is labeled on one side of the plot and you want the label to appear on the other side of the plot instead?
Batool Engineer
Batool Engineer 2016-5-13
Yes I mean the label kx to appear on the other side (little shift to the top as shown in the attachment by red color) , I cant do it by mouse pointer after running my code. so what is the changing that should be apply on the code to do it? or how can I move it without any changing on the code?? thanks..


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