How to extract a cube from a 3D volume/matrix?

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if we assume the starting point of a cube is up-left corner,
3D_vol(Start_x : Start_x + SizeX-1, Start_y : Start_y + SizeY-1, Start_z : Start_z + SizeZ-1);
gives voxel values in a cube having starting points of X, Y, Z and size of each. Now, if the starting point is the *center* of the cube, how can I get the cube?
I tried the following, but it is not correct when the size of X/Y/Z is even.
3D_vol(start_x - (SizeX/2) - 1 : Start_x + (SizeX/2) - 1, ......
3D_vol is a 3d matrix.


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2016-5-17
Use floor(SizeX/2) instead of (SizeX/2) because (SizeX/2) might have a 0.5 fractional part and fractional indexes are not allowed.
  3 个评论
Ahmet Cecen
Ahmet Cecen 2016-5-17
You cannot have a center point resolve as a voxel in even cube sizes. You can either have an 11x11x11 cube with a center voxel, or 10x10x10 with a center node(corner).
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2016-5-17
If you want the values "in between" voxel locations, you'd need to do a 3-D interpolation. Try looking into interp3(). Sorry - I don't have a demo for you but there are examples.


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