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Beginnning of file considered as code section

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
In my Matlab preferences I only have Sections enabled under Code Folding, so that I can fold cells (code sections). Even so, the beginning of every .m file in the Editor is flagged as the start of a code section, which lasts until the start of the next actual cell:
How can I change this behaviour? Many thanks!
  2 个评论
Stephen23 2016-5-24
编辑:Stephen23 2016-5-24
Noticing that there is a problem is the first step to becoming a better programmer. Here are two things you should do:
  1. Stop writing cargo-cult code clear and clc at the start of your scripts.
  2. Learn to write functions instead of scripts.
  3. Read this:
z8080 2016-5-24
Thanks for the advice. That bit of code is actually quite old, I don't really use those commands to start scripts anymore, but in either case, my question is really about how to make code sections start where I want them to, i.e. between %%-lines, rather than having one always start at the beginning of the file.

回答(1 个)

Philip Borghesani
Philip Borghesani 2016-5-24
编辑:Philip Borghesani 2016-5-24
My first thought is don't put that code at the top of each script. Especially clear all it slows down the execution of the code because all code must be recompiled after clearing. If you must, use clear without the all to clear variables from the base workspace.
My second thought is to write functions instead of scripts or to give up and create a section marker at the top of the file:
Blast the base workspace to remove all previous work without prompting to save



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