Problem in MATLAB GUI. Invalid or deleted object..

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
set(handles.scale_box,'enable','on'); % This line works
st_scale = st_variogram_pooled(data_train); % external code to calculate scale
set(handles.scale_box, 'String', st_scale);% This line gives the above error
% All set commands give the error from here on in the callback
  4 个评论
Shrey Agarwal
Shrey Agarwal 2016-6-9
Actually I figured this out myself. There was a "close all;" command in the function 'st_variogram_pooled' and it was deleting all the objects in the GUI.
Abhishek Maurya
Abhishek Maurya 2018-8-29
Thanks, Shrey for asking this ques. I had the same problem and now I have figured.


回答(1 个)

Shameer Parmar
Shameer Parmar 2016-6-9
According to me, it seems like the function 'st_variogram_pooled(data_train)' is calculating the scale in numeric format, so the value of variable 'st_scale' will be in numeric format and you are trying to put it into string format for GUI field 'scale_box' in next set() command.
Try to use:
set(handles.scale_box, 'String', num2str(st_scale));
same for all other set commands. Convert num into string using num2str command as I shown above.
  2 个评论
Shrey Agarwal
Shrey Agarwal 2016-6-9
There was no problem with set command. I have explained the problem in a comment to my question. Thank You for answering.
Shameer Parmar
Shameer Parmar 2016-6-13
Ok, so it seems the problem with function "st_variogram_pooled(data_train)", Can you please provide the details about this function. like logic inside this function or please attach your files so that I can debug and help you..



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