How to calculate standard deviation from ROI of image after thresholding?

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello, I have images and I use graythresh threshold to select object from the image. I want to get standard deviation of the pixel value from the ROI of the image. From regionprop, I can only get maxintensity, minintensity, meanintensity, pixelvalues, and weightedcentroid.
figure, imshow(BW);
s=regionprops(L,I2, 'MaxIntensity', 'MeanIntensity','MinIntensity','PixelValues');
for i=1:M
I need to find standard deviation from the ROI. Can anyone help me to solve this. I've been looking for a way, unfortunately, I'm not very good with Matlab. This is my first time using it.
Thank you in advance.

回答(1 个)

DGM 2024-6-16
You have the pixel values, so you can just use those.
% a grayscale image
inpict = imread('cameraman.tif');
% an antialiased mask with several blobs
mask = imread('cmanpolyblobs.png');
mask = mask>128; % we don't need the antialiasing
% get regionprops
S = regionprops(mask,inpict,'pixelvalues','meanintensity','centroid');
% these are represented in unit scale,
% that way the results are independent of the input class
nblobs = numel(S);
regionmu = im2double(cast(vertcat(S.MeanIntensity),class(inpict)));
regionsigma = zeros(nblobs,1);
for k = 1:nblobs
regionsigma(k) = std(im2double(S(k).PixelValues));
% create a composite image, and plot the blob stats
% so that we have some idea that they make sense
alph = im2double(mask);
BG = im2double(inpict);
comp = alph.*BG + 0.5*(1-alph).*BG;
imshow(comp); hold on
for k = 1:nblobs
c = S(k).Centroid;
ht = text(c(1),c(2),sprintf('mean:%.4f\nstd:%.4f',regionmu(k),regionsigma(k)));
ht.Color = 'k';
ht.HorizontalAlignment = 'center';
ht.BackgroundColor = 'r';
% the centroid of this blob isn't a good place to put the annotation
% so let's just move it over
if k == 1
ht.Position(1) = ht.Position(1) + 70;
Oh wow. That's a jumbled mess on the forum. Oh well.
Either way, we can see that the dark region on the coat is very smooth, and has a low standard deviation. The camera and face have a lot of contrast, and so the std is high. The grass and sky are in between.


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