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Different result while run the same code? longer space between 2 column

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Hi everyone! Could you help me review my code why I got different results when I run the same code? Frist file with the result:
val =
12/27/2007 22:00:00 87.01
12/27/2007 22:30:00 87.01
12/27/2007 23:00:00 87.02
12/27/2007 23:30:00 87.02
12/28/2007 00:00:00 87.03
Second file with the result:
val =
08/29/1996 15:30:00 17.85
08/29/1996 16:00:00 17.85
08/29/1996 16:30:00 17.85
08/29/1996 17:00:00 17.85
08/29/1996 17:30:00 17.85
The first result has the longer space than the second result. It made a difficult for me to run next codes. I wonder why it has a difference like that? The input file has the same format. The code used as follows:
clear all;
close all;
%delete NaN, continuously duplicated value and keep the last one
c=textscan(f , '%s%s%s%f' , 'Headerlines' , 1 , 'delimiter' , ' ');
t =[diff(c{end})~=0;true];
C = [c{1:3}];
data = [C(t,:),num2cell(c{end}(t))];
clearvars -except data
%combine column date and time
day = data(1:end,2);
time = data(1:end,3);
ns = datenum(day, 'mm/dd/yyyy') + datenum(time, 'HH:MM:SS') - datenum('00:00:00','HH:MM:SS');
data=[data num2cell(ns)];
%data = cell2table(data,'VariableNames',{'Symbol','Price','DateTime'});
DTn = data(:,2);
sortminute = minute(datetime(DTn{1},'ConvertFrom','datenum'));
firstdata = dateshift(datetime(DTn{1},'ConvertFrom','datenum'),'start','hour') + minutes(60);
firstdata = dateshift(datetime(DTn{1},'ConvertFrom','datenum'),'start','hour') + minutes(30);
ti = 1/(60/30 * 24); % Time Interval
DTiv = [datenum(firstdata):ti:DTn{end}]'; % Interpolation Vector
Price = data(:,1); % Vector: Column #2 Of Table1
% Convert cell to matrix
DTn = cell2mat(DTn) ;
Price = cell2mat(Price) ;
% Arrange the matrix in order
[DTn,idx] = sort(DTn) ;
Price = Price(idx) ;
% Remove doubles
[DTn1,idx] = unique(DTn) ;
DTn = DTn1 ;
Price = Price(idx) ;
DT30 = interp1(DTn, Price, DTiv); % Interpolated Column #2
NewTable1 = {datestr(DTiv, 'mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS') DT30};
CLF1999 = [NewTable1{1} repmat(' ', size(NewTable1{2})) num2str(NewTable1{2}, '%.2f')];
Thanks a lot for your help.

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