Hey I need to know how to know how many neurons?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I would like how to use nntool, please could anyone help me, or tell me where I could find information about all the training functions, and performance functions.
  1 个评论
John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2016-7-3
How many? Use enough, but not too many. Questions like this are impossible to answer, because the answer depends on your problem.
Start by reading things like
doc nntool
But really, it sounds like you need to learn fundamental information about neural networks. For that you may need to read a book.



Greg Heath
Greg Heath 2016-7-4
编辑:Greg Heath 2016-7-4
Search the NEWSGROUP and ANSWERS using
Ntrneq Nw
where I have used the criterion that the number of UNKNOWN weights, Nw, should not exceed the number of training EQUATIONS Ntrneq.
Ntrneq Nw 43 152
This yields an upperbound, Hub, on the number of hidden nodes in a single hidden layer net.
If more hidden nodes are required, one can replace the default training function TRAINLM with TRAINBR
help trainbr
doc trainbr
Hope this helps.
Thank you for formally acceptingmy answer
  2 个评论
Andres  Romero
Andres Romero 2016-7-4
thank you so much... and do you suggest me a book of neuronal network?
Greg Heath
Greg Heath 2016-7-5
Sorry, I am an old geezer who is not familiar with the recent literature.
Why don't you post a request in the NEWSGROUP?


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