stem plot with bars that don't go through zero

21 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm trying to achieve a plot that looks like this . The stem plot seems to be the one to use, with a Y input having two columns for the lower and upper bounds, however it seems the vertical lines always have to be connected to the horizontal (zero) line of the plot. any way to make them independent of that line, for instance go from 3 to 5 on the y axis? Thanks!


José-Luis 2016-7-5
lower_lim = -2 * rand(1,15);
upper_lim = 2 * rand(1,15);
x_val = (1:15);
aH = axes;
hold on;
for ii = [lower_lim;upper_lim;x_val]
plot(aH,[ii(3), ii(3)],[ii(1), ii(2)], 'b-');
mean_lim = (mean(lower_lim) + mean(upper_lim))/2;
plot(aH,aH.XLim,[mean_lim, mean_lim], 'r--');

更多回答(2 个)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2016-7-5
It sounds like either you want errorbars as created by the errorbar function or you want to change the baseline of your stem plot as per the last example on the stem documentation page.

Thorsten 2016-7-5
You can use my function stem2 to do it:
X = linspace(0,2*pi,50)';
Y = [cos(X), 0.5*sin(X)];
h = stem2(X,Y);
set(h, 'Color', 'b', 'LineWidth', 2)
with stem2 given as
function h = stem2(x, y)
%STEM2 Stem plot with upper and lower bounds
% H = STEM2(X, Y)
% 2016-07-05
if nargin == 0 % demo
X = linspace(0,2*pi,50)';
Y = [cos(X), 0.5*sin(X)];
h = stem2(X,Y);
set(h, 'Color', 'b', 'LineWidth', 2)
clear h
if nargin == 1
y = x;
% check that y is a N*2 column vector
if size(y,2) ~= 2,
y = y';
if size(y, 2) == 2
warning('Y should be a Nx2 column vector.')
error('Y should be a Nx2 column vector.')
N = size(y, 1);
% generate x if not given
if nargin == 1
x = 1:N;
x = x(:); % force column vector
x = [x x nan(N,1)]';
y = [y nan(N,1)]';
h = plot(x(:), y(:));
if nargout == 0
clear h


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