OK, I'm starting to understand how this works. I need to use an event handler which gets called for each option contract in the chain, and I also need to retrieve the option contract in the handler. So, the contractdetails call is now:
optionChain = contractdetails(ib, optContract,@ibSbtEventHandler);
And my simple event handler for now is:
function ibSbtEventHandler(varargin)
%IBSBTEVENTHANDLER Interactive Brokers' Trader Workstation SBT event handler.
myCD = get(varargin{5}.contractDetails);
myCdSummary = get(myCD.summary);
The output from the disp has:
marketName: 'RUTW'
minTick: 0.0500
priceMagnifier: 1
validExchanges: 'SMART,CBOE,CBOE2'
underConId: 416888
longName: 'Russell 2000 Stock Index'
contractMonth: '201608'
industry: 'Indices'
category: 'Broad Range Equity Index'
subcategory: '*'
timeZoneId: 'CST'
tradingHours: '20160705:0830-1515;20160706:0830-1515'
liquidHours: '20160705:0830-1515;20160706:0830-1515'
summary: [1x1 Interface.AE6A66F3_8FA9_4076_9C1F_3728B10A4CC7]
secIdList: []
cusip: ''
ratings: ''
descAppend: ''
bondType: ''
couponType: ''
callable: 0
putable: 0
coupon: 0
convertible: 0
maturity: ''
issueDate: ''
nextOptionDate: ''
nextOptionType: ''
nextOptionPartial: 0
notes: ''
evRule: ''
evMultiplier: 0
conId: 239011698
symbol: 'RUT'
secType: 'OPT'
expiry: '20160812'
strike: 990
right: 'P'
multiplier: '100'
exchange: 'CBOE'
primaryExchange: ''
currency: 'USD'
localSymbol: 'RUTW 160812P00990000'
tradingClass: 'RUTW'
includeExpired: 0
comboLegs: []
underComp: []
comboLegsDescrip: ''
secIdType: ''
secId: ''
The trick was to realize that the contract details contains a field called summary which is an interface to get the actual contract.
So, I made good progress and my next step will be to use some filtering on the contractdetails request to limit the number of contracts returned to something more manageable. After that, I will need to change the event handler to build an array of the filtered option contracts which I can use later to obtain the prices.