exporting data using xlswrite for each 24 hours?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
dear all, by using xlswrite('DATA', DATA, 'output_data', sprintf('A%d')); i can export my DATA to excel sheet. Since,its is a part of real-time video analysing, i'd like to save data for each 24 hours, i mean after 24-hours it can automatically export to another excel file and so on.. can you help me please
  4 个评论
Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes 2016-7-11
Right, but have you written your MATLAB code to use a timer that expires in 24 hours? Please provide more details including a brief description of what code you have written and what you need help with.
Abo 2016-7-11
编辑:Geoff Hayes 2016-7-11
thank you, mu code is kind of real time video processing, it gets snapshot for a period of time, as shown here, i'd like to save data as excel for each 24 hours, i hope to make sense.
set (vid,'ReturnedColorspace','grayscale');
start (vid)
% time1=datestr(now,'dd-mm-yyyy HH:MM:SS FFF');
while vid.FramesAcquired<=framesneeded
level=graythresh (data);
DATA=[extracting some data];


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