creating a single structure with 100 entries

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I was hoping that perhaps somebody could help me out with a problem that I have.
I have imported 100 4x4 matrices into a cell array using the code below.
C = cell(100,1);
for ii = 1:100
C{ii} = importdata(['matrix' num2str(ii) '.txt']) ;
I am wondering how would I create a structure with 100 entries and place a matrix in each entry.
The reason I ask is because I'm trying to get the average of these matrices and this post provides a solution if the matrices are in this format.
Thank you for your help


Jiro Doke
Jiro Doke 2012-2-19
You don't need to create a structure for that. You can do this:
C2 = cat(3, C{:});
avg = mean(C2, 3)
FYI, to answer your original question, the function is cell2struct.

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