Fill vector with missing values

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Hello, i have vectors that represent the day-,month and year values.As you can see in the example below, the day an month vectors do not start with 1, what would be 1. Januar. The vector also dont end with 31 and 12, what would be 31. December. Does anyone have any suggestion how i can first check what is the starting value of day and month and thenn fill the missing valuse, so i have a complete year? thanks a lot!
Day: Month: Year:
6 8 1993
7 8 1993
8 8 1993
9 8 1993
. . .
. . .
. . .
3 11 1993


Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov 2016-7-20
yyear = [Year,Month,Day];
y1 = datevec(datenum([Year(1) 1 1]):datenum([Year(1) 12 31]));
y1 = y1(:,1:3);
missing_values = y1(~ismember(y1,yyear,'rows'),:);
  2 个评论
hdiba 2016-7-20
Thanks a lot. I have another variable with entries for the days, for example: measurement of rainfall on every day.. now that i've filled the missing dates, i would like to add zero values for the rainfall for the added dates? can u help?
Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov 2016-7-20
yourdata = [Year,Month,Day,rainfall];% rainfall - vector with data of rainfall
y1 = datevec(datenum([Year(1) 1 1]):datenum([Year(1) 12 31]));
y1 = y1(:,1:3);
t = ismember(y1,yourdata(:,1:3),'rows');
out = [y1,zeros(size(y1,1),1)];
out(t,4) = yourdata(:,end);


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