scatter3, colors indicate 3dimensions

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear all, I have 3 vectors, flux1, flux2 and temperature, both fluxes depending on temperature. I plotted all 3 in a figure using scatter3. Now I'd like to color the Markerpoints depending on their hight (=according temperature) so that the scatterpoint cloud is easier to read. I know with: scatter3(x,y,z,s,c), c gives an option to do this but I don't seem to understand how to create a c matrix. I randomly tried this:
test = [flux1.';flux2.';temp.'].';
view([10 20])
xlabel('sensible heat flux')
ylabel('latent heat flux')
set(gca,'Color',[0.8 0.8 0.8]);
but I'm not happy about it (too much white colored points for high values) and I'd love to actually understand where the coloring comes from my random c-matrix and how I can influence that. Any suggestions and hints? :)
Sorry if this is a very basic question but I couldn't find an answer in the Documentation and I'm pretty new to matlab.


Vandana Rajan
Vandana Rajan 2016-8-8
To color the marker points according to the temperature intensity, put c = temp. Now the values in 'c' are linearly mapped to the current colormap. The command 'colorbar' shows the current colormap on the side of figure.
clearvars; close all; clc;
%%create the 3 vectors
a = -50;
b = 50;
flux1 = (b-a).*rand(100,1) + a;
flux2 = (b-a).*rand(100,1) + a;
temp = linspace(-5,15,100);
%%when c is of same length as flux1, flux2 and temp, then values in c are linearly mapped to the current colormap
% The command 'colorbar' shows the current colormap on the side of the
% figure
xlabel('sensible heat flux')
ylabel('latent heat flux')
title('With c = temperature');
A number of built-in colormaps are available in MATLAB. You can choose a colormap of your taste. You can also use your own customized colormaps. See this link for more details.

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