Defining boundary condition for pde for pdepe function

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I have got a pde as show in the function [c,f,s]. Unable to get the solution for the equation and not able figure out the mistake in boundary condition
L = 200;
s1 = 0.5; %equal to k at x=0
s2 = 0;
T = 4;
qr = 0.218;
f = 0.52;
a = 0.0115;
n = 2.03;
ks = 31.6;
x = linspace(0,L,100);
t = linspace(0,T,25);
u = pdepe(0,@unsatpde,@unsatic,@unsatbc,x,t,options,s1,s2,qr,f,a,n,ks);
I'M STRUCK AT THIS POINT. Following gives the editor .m files
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [c,f,s] = trial1(x,t,u,DuDx)
global k n qr a ks p
f = k*((DuDx)+1);
s = 0;
m =0.51;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function u0 = unsatic(x,s1,s2,qr,f,a,n,ks)
u0 = 200+x;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [pl,ql,pr,qr] = unsatbc(xl,ul,xr,ur,t,s1,s2,qr,f,a,n,ks)
pl = 0;
ql = 1;
pr = ur(1);
qr =0;


Torsten 2016-7-26
1. "trial1" is not part of the list of functions you call pdepe with.
2. You will have to include s1,s2,qr,f,a,n,ks in the parameter list for "trial1".
3. in "trial1", you use k before you calculate it.
4. In unsatbc, you set as boundary conditions
u=0 at x=L
du/dx = -1/k at x=0
I don't know if this is what you want to set.
Best wishes
  2 个评论
vibha  s
vibha s 2016-7-26
Hi thanks for the suggestions,trying to extract the value of pL,qL and qR,pR in boundary condition code file. warning says error at intermediate points
Torsten 2016-7-26
q will become complex because 1+(-a*u) becomes negative and is raised to the power of -m.
Best wishes


更多回答(2 个)

Zana Taher
Zana Taher 2019-4-13
Hi Torsten,
How would you make:
du/dx = 0 at x=0
instead of
du/dx = -1/k at x=0

jose luis huayanay villar
uld you help me embed in the simulink? to carry out a control?

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