What to do when facing "scaling behavior" with Polyspace Code Prover?

18 次查看(过去 30 天)
When using the Polyspace Code Prover, I encountered the following different scenarios:
i) An "out of memory" error, for example:
**** Software Safety Analysis Level 0 - 61 (P_ILOI) **** Software Safety Analysis Level 0 - 61 (P_ILOI) took 2.13real, 1.92u + 0.03s **** Software Safety Analysis Level 0 - 62 (P_ENVT) Fatal error: out of memory.
ii) A 24-hour timeout (timeout after 86400 seconds), for example:
***** Software Safety Analysis Level 0 - 32.2 (P_I1) Warning: The analysis has been stopped by timeout (after 86400 seconds). Maximum Memory Usage: 1720 MB
or: (Loading) took 0.27real, 0.21u + 0.05s (0.1gc) [64928 -> 192289] Warning: The C2IL translation has been stopped by timeout (after 86400 seconds).
iii) An analysis showing no progress.
These seem to be symptoms of a "scaling behavior" with the Polyspace Code Prover. What are some solutions to these behaviors?


MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team 2024-11-29,0:00
编辑:MathWorks Support Team 2023-8-28
Please find the attached PDF file for a guide on scaling behaviors for Polyspace Code Prover, which includes explanations on how to identify scaling behaviors, and the solutions against these different scenarios.

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