How to draw the audio track from a video which contains audio?

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Hi there, I want to draw the audio track and analyze it from a video which has audio, but it seems that the "videoreader" cannot do this function, so I wanna whether there is any method that can do this function? Many thanks!

回答(1 个)

Raghava S N
Raghava S N 2024-10-28
As you are looking to extract audio data from a video file, the function “audioread can be used. The “audioread” function can take a MPEG-4 AAC (.m4a” or.mp4) video file as input, from which the audio data can be extracted. Refer to the documentation of “audioread” for more information -,MPEG%2D4%20AAC%20(.m4a%2C%20.mp4),-%2C%20OGG%20(.ogg.
Here is a code snippet that displays this functionality –
>> [y,Fs] = audioread('<path_to_your_video/your_video>.mp4');
>> audiowrite('outputfile.WAV',y,Fs);
The extracted audio can be stored in a format supported by MATLAB. Refer to this documentation link for the list of audio formats supported by MATLAB -,Audio%20Data%20in%20MATLAB,-What%20Are%20Audio.
For additional details on extracting audio from videos, refer to this MATLAB Answers post -
Hope this helps!

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