Finding coordinates of point(s) that are specific distance(s) away on a slanted straight line

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Hello, I am a physician trying to locate points of interest on medical images. My problem boils down to the following:
I have an image with 7 points of interest that I need to identify on my image. The 7 points lie in a slanted straight line like so:
I could take advantage of image properties to find the coordinates of point A and C. d1, d2, and d3 are all known values. What script should I run to find the coordinates of the 2 crosses d1 distance from A? And similarly, how do I find the coordinates for B, and the 2 coordinates d3 distance from that?
Thank you so much for your help!
  1 个评论
Star Strider
Star Strider 2016-8-20
Do you have any recommendations for radiology text or reference books relevant to both clinical and technical perspectives? (I’d appreciate Author-Title-ISBN so I know I’m getting the correct ones.) I’ve been looking for a while, but haven’t found any that seem to cover what I want. You’re the perfect person to ask!



Star Strider
Star Strider 2016-8-20
Not a function, but a short bit of code:
A = [5 10]; % Create Data
C = [7 15]; % Create Data
d1 = 2.1;
d2 = 3.8;
d3 = 1.5;
x = [A(1); C(1)]; % Define Independent Variables
y = [A(2); C(2)]; % Define Dependent Variables
P = [ones(size(x(:))) x(:)]\y(:); % Calculate Intercept, Slope For Line
phi = atan2(diff(y), diff(x)); % Slope Angle (rad)
LineDist = @(V,d,phi) [V(1)+d*cos(phi) V(2)+d*sin(phi); V(1)-d*cos(phi) V(2)-d*sin(phi)];
d1X = LineDist(A,d1,phi); % ‘d1’ Coordinates
B = LineDist(C,d2,phi); % ‘B’ Coordinates
d3X = LineDist(B(1,:),d3,phi); % ‘d3’ Coordinates
xv = linspace(min(x)-3, max(x)+3); % X-Vector For Plot
yv = [ones(size(xv(:))) xv(:)]*P; % Y-Vector For Plot
plot(xv, yv)
hold on
plot(x, y, 'ok', 'MarkerFaceColor','k')
plot(d1X(1,1), d1X(1,2), 'xr')
plot(d1X(2,1), d1X(2,2), 'xr')
plot(B(1,1), B(1,2), 'xk')
plot(d3X(1,1), d3X(1,2), 'xr')
plot(d3X(2,1), d3X(2,2), 'xr')
hold off
text(A(1)+0.1,A(2), 'A', 'HorizontalAlignment','left')
text(B(1,1)+0.1,B(1,2), 'B', 'HorizontalAlignment','left')
text(C(1)+0.1,C(2), 'C', 'HorizontalAlignment','left')
text(d1X(:,1)+0.1,d1X(:,2), 'd1', 'HorizontalAlignment','left')
text(d3X(:,1)+0.1,d3X(:,2), 'd3', 'HorizontalAlignment','left')
The plot:
Board-Certified Internist here, with M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering!
  8 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2016-8-20
"a line orthogonal to a given line (in a plane) has a slope (not the angle of the slope) that is the negative of that of the given line" <== it's slope is actually -1/slope, the negative inverse.
Star Strider
Star Strider 2016-8-20
The ‘phi±(pi/2)’ idea works. It’s necessary to use axis equal on the plot to see it correctly.
Adding the off-line distance ‘d4’ and calculating the perpendicular line at ‘C’ as the ‘PrpC’ coordinate matrix (plotted in green here), the complete code becomes:
A = [5 10]; % Create Data
C = [7 15]; % Create Data
d1 = 2.1;
d2 = 3.8;
d3 = 1.5;
x = [A(1); C(1)]; % Define Independent Variables
y = [A(2); C(2)]; % Define Dependent Variables
P = [ones(size(x(:))) x(:)]\y(:); % Calculate Intercept, Slope For Line
phi = atan2(diff(y), diff(x)); % Slope Angle (rad)
LineDist = @(V,d,phi) [V(1)+d*cos(phi) V(2)+d*sin(phi); V(1)-d*cos(phi) V(2)-d*sin(phi)];
d1X = LineDist(A,d1,phi); % ‘d1’ Coordinates
B = LineDist(C,d2,phi); % ‘B’ Coordinates
d3X = LineDist(B(1,:),d3,phi); % ‘d3’ Coordinates
d4 = 5;
PrpC = LineDist(C,d4,phi+pi/2);
xv = linspace(min(x)-3, max(x)+3); % X-Vector For Plot
yv = [ones(size(xv(:))) xv(:)]*P; % Y-Vector For Plot
plot(xv, yv)
hold on
plot(x, y, 'ok', 'MarkerFaceColor','k')
plot(d1X(1,1), d1X(1,2), 'xr')
plot(d1X(2,1), d1X(2,2), 'xr')
plot(B(1,1), B(1,2), 'xk')
plot(d3X(1,1), d3X(1,2), 'xr')
plot(d3X(2,1), d3X(2,2), 'xr')
plot(PrpC(:,1)', PrpC(:,2)', 'p-g')
hold off
text(A(1)+0.1,A(2), 'A', 'HorizontalAlignment','left')
text(B(1,1)+0.1,B(1,2), 'B', 'HorizontalAlignment','left')
text(C(1)+0.1,C(2), 'C', 'HorizontalAlignment','left')
text(d1X(:,1)+0.1,d1X(:,2), 'd1', 'HorizontalAlignment','left')
text(d3X(:,1)+0.1,d3X(:,2), 'd3', 'HorizontalAlignment','left')
text(PrpC(:,1)+0.1,PrpC(:,2), 'd4', 'VerticalAlignment','bottom')
axis equal
with the plot:


更多回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2016-8-20
Knowing points A and C, the equation of the line is
slope = (yc-ya) / (xc - xa);
y = slope * (x - xa) + ya;
To get the x for the left and right d1 point from A
angle = atan(slope);
xd1Left = xa - d1 * cos(angle);
xd1Right = xa + d1 * cos(angle);
To get point B from known point C
xb = xc + d2 * cos(angle);
To get the d3 points
xd3Left = xc + (d2-d3) * cos(angle);
xd3Right = xc + (d2+d3) * cos(angle);
To get the y values for any of those x values, plug them in for x in the formula for the line:
y = slope * (x - xa) + ya;


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