How to evaluate an equation with multiple points for a variable.

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have RE = V*D/NU and another equation C = 3.*RHOBAR/(4.*D) both variables RE and C appear in other equations, which will eventually end up in a plot. I want set multiple values for D. How do I solve this?
If I use D=[.1 .05 .001] I get an error stating Matrix Dimensions must agree
  2 个评论
KSSV 2016-9-7
What are V, D, RHOBAR? constants? I think NU is poisons ratio and RHOBAR is density. What is V?
Thorsten 2016-9-8
Please post your code in text form, not as an image, such that we can run it.


回答(1 个)

Thanigaivel Raja T
编辑:Thanigaivel Raja T 2016-9-8
Make sure you have placed dot before operators for vector variables in your reynolds number RE, C and in equation containing RE and C.
In general,
* % matrix multiply
.* %scalar multiply
/ % matrix divide
./ % scalar divide
^ % exponentiation
.^ % element-by-element exponentiation


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