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Image display with button,calculation and display value with other buttons problem

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I'm building a GUI and i have stuck and can't find the solution!So i have this figure(the image).First i want the pushbutton1 to do this a=imread('C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\canada.bmp'); level=graythresh(a); bw=im2bw(a,level); imgcon=imcontour(bw); and also to return the contoured image in axes2. My second pushbutton2 want to do some calculation T=array2table(imgcon.', 'VariableNames', {'J', 'K'}); totsum=((sum(T.J.^0))*(sum(T.K.^0))); It is very importart to have the table so to calculate some values. and return this value(totsum) in edit text1. Am i doing something wrong or please help me with the coding because i'm new to matlab

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