Interpreting and Image Reconstruction from SVD Data

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
When I compute the SVD of a matrix and get the U, S and V transpose matrices, how can I create an image from these results? Is there a standard code for this or it depends on my objective? I got the following results (see atached) which I want to compare. SVD1 is data from a bistatic antenna radar system while SVD2 is from a multistatic (4 antennas) radar system. I want to compare the two ie which provides more information. How do I show this from the SVD data.How can I reconstruct an image for each set of data?


Jordan Ross
Jordan Ross 2016-9-19
Hello Suki,
From what I understand, you are trying to create some sort of image to compare two sets of SVD data. How you want the image to be represented by your data will depend on your objective.
In order to create an image from a matrix of values you can use the "image" function.
To recreate the image made up from the U, S, and V matrices you can refer to the following MATLAB Answers post:

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