How do I get the correct output from a fitnet artificial neural network?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm getting started with building an artificial neural network and testing it with a simple example (see code below).
I'm trying to get the artificial neural network (using fitnet) to predict that the function is y=a*5+b.*c+7*c. The neural network is successfully trained. However, when I try using the function:
y = b2 + LW*tanh(b1+IW*x)
followed by a reverse mapminmax, I do not obtain the correct value.
In the code below, I have tried defining
X = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
The output is (y2 is obtained by using the reverse mapminmax, y1 is using sim(net,x), and y1compare is the actual output target):
y2 = 9.5759
y1 = 6.2795
y1compare = 6.2500
My entire code is below:
clear all
I=[a; b; c];
% Create network for curve fitting
hiddenLayerSize = 10; % Number of intermediate network neurons
net = fitnet(hiddenLayerSize);
% Setting the pre and post process data
net.inputs{1}.processFcns = {'removeconstantrows','mapminmax'};
net.outputs{2}.processFcns = {'removeconstantrows','mapminmax'};
% Setting the sample size
net.divideFcn = 'dividerand'; % Split random data
net.divideMode = 'sample';
net.divideParam.trainRatio = 70/100;
net.divideParam.valRatio = 15/100;
net.divideParam.testRatio = 15/100;
% syms p q r real
% X = [p,q,r]';
X = [0.5 0.5 0.5]';
b1 = net.b{1}
b2 = net.b{2}
IW = net.IW{1,1};
LW = net.LW{2,1};
[tn, tsettings] = mapminmax(O);
yn = b2 + LW * tanh(b2 + (IW * X))
y2 = mapminmax.reverse(yn,tsettings)
y1 = sim(net,X)
y1compare = X(1)*5+X(2).*X(3)+7*X(3)
Thanks in advance!
  1 个评论
Jeffrey Hung
Jeffrey Hung 2016-9-23
Found a code that works!
clear all
% Create network for curve fitting
hiddenLayerSize = 4; % Number of intermediate network neurons
net = fitnet(hiddenLayerSize);
WB = getwb(net); % Only net.b{1} = zeros(10,1)is defined
rng(4151945); % Initialize the RNG so that results can be duplicated
M = [1:1:10];
M = [M,M,M,M,M].*rand();
M = [M,M].*rand();
M = [M,M,M,M,M].*10;
M = [M,M].*10;
y = 5*a + b.*c + 7*c + n;
x=[a; b; c];
% Setting the sample size
net.divideFcn = 'dividerand'; % Split random data
net.divideMode = 'sample';
net.divideParam.trainRatio = 70/100;
net.divideParam.valRatio = 15/100;
net.divideParam.testRatio = 15/100;
net = train(net,x,t);
[xn, xsettings] = mapminmax(x);
[tn, tsettings] = mapminmax(t);
% syms p q r real
% X = [p,q,r]';
X = [22,25,21]'
x000 = mapminmax('apply',X,xsettings);
b1 = net.b{1};
b2 = net.b{2};
IW = net.IW{1,1};
LW = net.LW{2,1};
yn = b2 + LW * tanh(b1 + (IW * x000))
y2 = mapminmax.reverse(yn,tsettings)
y1 = sim(net,X)
y1compare = 5*X(1) + X(2)*X(3) + 7*X(3)



Greg Heath
Greg Heath 2016-9-23
编辑:Greg Heath 2016-11-9
1. Very often you have to use several choices of the random initial weights in order to get a good answer.
2. You forgot to take into account the input normalization.
Hope this helps.
Thank you for formally accepting my answer

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